Pests like cockroaches, bugs, mosquitoes, and other common pests not only bring damage to your properties also, spread more infections and diseases like skin allergies, viral infections, asthma, etc. The best way to deal with such pests is to call the best pest control service like Empire Pest Control. Calling a pest control service is on another hand before you should aware of some pest control tricks and tips to keep your house free from pests and other insects.
Tips to keep your place free from common pests
Keep your kitchen place clean and tidy
Pests like rats and cockroaches live in a dirty place like messy kitchens. The dirty and unclean sink is the hiding place of cockroaches and rats roam towards the basement area. To avoid such pest infestation, keep your kitchen place clean and tidy. Regularly wipe-off stovetop, kitchen appliances, and keep the food particles in tightly closed containers. Don’t let any food spills unclean and timely trash all your wastes. These will not help to completely eradicate the common pest problem but reduce the infestation in your place.
Keep your bathroom clean and tidy
Most people fail to keep their bathroom clean and it leads to an increase in the incoming of common pests. The tips which we mentioned above for the kitchen also apply to the bathroom. Keep your bathroom place clean and dry to avoid pest infestation. Clean the bathroom sink, and pot on alternate days with good bathroom cleaning agents. Make sure there is no water clogging in your bathroom with soap or hair. This helps to keep your bathroom free from the common pests
Don’t keep fruits and vegetables in an open place
Fruits and vegetables in an open place get ripe soon and it attracts the pest towards them. so, try to avoid placing a ripe fruit in a dining place for a long time. Fruit flies are harmful to humans and pets, it will bring viral diseases and invite another pest like house flies, cockroaches which are difficult to get rid of.
Dispose of garbage wastes daily
Disposing of garbage on a regular basis is a simple way to keep the pest away. Overflowing of garbage wastes attracts rats and mice towards living place. To avoid such unwanted infestation, keep the trash can, and garbage disposal away from the living places. Also, don’t throw any ripe fruits in the garbage, this can easily spread harmful diseases.
Keep Garden palace clean
If you have a garden or lawn near your place, you need to spend some extra time to keep the place clean to avoid garden pest infestation. Regularly trim the trees and plants and drain any waterlogged in a pit. Maintain a garden on a regular basis helps to get rid of common pests like rats, cockroaches, rodents, soon.
Try out the above-mentioned simple tricks to keep your place free from common pests. If you feel more trouble then contact the pest control service to get rid of common pests.