Size, Shape and Colour: Springtails are very tiny, approximately .25-1mm long with humpbacks, scales, 6 legs and have no wings. They can be a variety of colours from transparent and white to various greys or black. The name comes from a special forked tail which the insect keeps folded underneath its abdomen. The tail is held in place with a small latch, and when it’s released, the tail drops rapidly down to the ground and propels the insect into the air.
Biology: Their lifecycle is egg, larvae and adult and this occurs year long depending on where they are.
Preferred Foods: They usually are not a big threat but they have been known to eat young tender seedlings, seeds and bulbs. They are a big part in the decomposition of your compost pile. This pest can be found in greenhouses or houseplants but cooler damper climates can produces hoards.
Habitat: They are found wherever there is an abundance of moisture. Storm drains, household plants, foundations, wet leafy mold, compost, rich moist soil, rotting wood or bark, fungi, mold, mushrooms, algae and other moist organic materials. Some species are found in the home around damp basements and crawl spaces. They may even be found around a well.