ORDER: Thysanura
FAMILY: Lepismatidae
This casual intruder is common in households but rarely infests food premises, they do not have pest status just merely their presence causes most concern. This species can be encountered at night in damp places (bathroom or lavatory) and tend to scatter when light is switched on.
Size, Shape and Colour: Adult size ranges between 10-20mm in length, the body is wingless, it is covered with silvery scales and fine scattered hairs. They have 3 bristly tails and long tapered antennae.
Biology: Silverfish do not copulate, the male simply deposits the spermatophore and the female picks it up. 100 eggs laid over 2-3 months in cracks and crevices. There are 10 nymphal stages to reach adulthood. Full development can take upto a year with a series of moults.
Preferred Foods: Their preferences are books, book binding pastes, fine textiles, powdered foods. They can digest cellulose, wood and paper. They are also known to eat dead insects.
Habitat: Due to their size and shape cracks and crevices offer a good concealed harbourage, for example : indoors – around door frames, skirting boards and under cracked tiles; outdoors – behind the bark of trees, under stones, under and around paved areas. Damp areas are favoured, these are also very nocturnal.