Garden Beetles are the insects that live in the garden lawn, wood composts, and under the root side of the trees. These beetles are not much harm to humans like other bugs and flies. Beetles are considered a beneficial insect that helps to compost the decaying plants and boost-up the pollination process. Beetles do not spread diseases, but the only concern is if it comes in large numbers, the house owner should take steps to get rid of beetles from their gardens.
How to identify Garden Beetles in your place?
Beetles are categorized as many terms based on its appearance and size. Beetles also vary from color and weight some come with wings and other beetles just come with legs.
The minimum size of the beetles is in 0.25mm and the weight of those beetles is just 0.4 milligrams. The maximum size of the beetles is 20cm and the weight of such beetles is around 100 grams.
The identification of garden beetles is not a big task. They are easily identified by their shape and color. Some types of beetles produce light in its abdominal region, due to the segregation of chemicals. The light-producing beetles are referred to as fireflies. They are shine on darkness. Only the tropical beetles produce light.
Types of garden Beetles in the UK
There are many types of Beetles roam around the UK gardens in different shapes and sizes. Each beetle varies in size and color. Here we listed a few types and their character.
Black Colored Garden Beetle
Black colored beetles are one of the common garden beetles, usually, it appears on all gardens. These beetles don’t have wings but move faster like having wings. Appears in black color and its size is between 14 – 16 mm.
Blue Colored Garden Beetle
These beetles are coming in slightly round shape and the body appears in metallic blue color. The chest and jaws are in red color. The size of this beetle is between 8- 10 mm. you can see its presence under the stones or any woods.
Devil’s Coach
These beetles are coming in matt black having large yellow shaded jaws. It has short wings and its look seems like a Scorpios but it won’t sting. The size of the devil coach is between 20 – 28 mm presence in the tight spaces.
Sun beetle
Sun beetles are coming in greenish color, oval-shaped body structure. In the sunshine, its body glittering as shine metal. The size of the sun beetle is between 5.5 – 6.0 mm.
Interesting Facts About Beetles
Beetles live everywhere on the earth. Here we add some of the interesting facts about such beetles you should know about.
- Beetles adopt all types of environments, it will live in both grasslands and also in the desert areas. Mostly beetles live in all remote locations.
- More than 3 million species of beetles are live on the earth and still, some of the beetles are not discovered.
- They are good chewers and bitters
- They are good fliers
- Beetles are noisemakers
Beetles are not like other pests and these do not come under the harmful creatures. Some of the garden Beetles are kept as pets against the other bugs and pests in the gardens.