Horseflies, with their painful bites and relentless pursuit of blood meals, can turn any outdoor experience into a buzzing nightmare. These pesky insects are not only a nuisance but also potential carriers of diseases. In this blog, we’ll explore how to identify the horseflies and how to get rid of horseflies from entering in to your home.
How to Identify HorseFlies?
Horseflies are known for their excruciating bites, which can rapidly transform a fun outdoor activity into an annoying hassle. Recognising and eradicating these enduring pests is essential to keeping your home comfortable.
Horseflies are robust insects, typically larger than common flies. They come in various colours, including black, brown, and green. One of the key identifiers is their large, often colourful eyes, which meet at the top of their head. Their wings have a distinct, dark pattern, and when at rest, they fold back over their abdomen.
Unlike houseflies, horseflies are agile fliers and can be seen darting around livestock, humans, and other animals. Horseflies are known for their painful bites. The females feed on the blood of mammals, including humans, to nourish their eggs. Male horseflies, on the other hand, primarily feed on nectar.
Prevention Methods for HorseFlies
Horseflies can be quite bothersome for both humans and animals alike, but there are several prevention methods you can consider to minimise their presence and reduce the risk of bites. Firstly, removing standing water as horseflies lay their eggs in moist areas is important. Eliminating sources like puddles, birdbaths, and stagnant ponds can help reduce their breeding grounds.
Using insect repellents created for horseflies or approved by equine veterinarians can provide some protection against horseflies. Following the instructions carefully when applying the product is essential. Installing physical barriers such as mesh screens, fly sheets, or fly masks can create a physical barrier between the flies and your house, providing added protection.
How to Get Rid of HorseFlies?
Dealing with horseflies can be frustrating, but there are effective measures you can take to get rid of them. First, remove their breeding areas by eliminating standing water and cleaning out gutters. Install window screens and door sweeps to prevent them from entering your home or stable, and consider using mesh or netting as a barrier in outdoor spaces.
Horsefly traps can also be helpful in reducing their population, so place them strategically. When spending time outdoors, apply insect repellents containing DEET or picaridin to exposed skin and clothing. Wearing protective clothing like long sleeves and pants, along with a wide-brimmed hat, can further deter horseflies.
In severe infestations, insecticides may be necessary, but it’s best to consult professionals for guidance. Maintain cleanliness by disposing of waste and sealing garbage cans while also attracting natural predators like birds and dragonflies. By combining these methods, you can effectively control horseflies and minimise their impact on your surroundings.
By familiarising yourself with the characteristics and habits of horseflies, implementing proactive pest control measures, and get rid of horseflies, you can create a more comfortable and horse-fly-free environment. Whether you prefer natural remedies or seek help from a professional pest control service, taking action to address horsefly issues will contribute to a pest-free home and enjoyable outdoor experiences.