Age is all relative when it comes to fear. For many people that have grown up with a fear of insects, mice and spiders, they can be every bit as scary for an adult as they are for children. We are not born to be fearful of every major fear factor we have but are merely influenced by those around us. So where exactly do some of these most common fears come from?
Empire Pest Control investigates.
It is quite possible that our fear of arachnids stems from the very notion that they are scary; primarily instilled in our brains through the use of nursery rhymes.
Little Miss Muffet was sat on her tuffet, quite innocently, until a spider came along and scared her away.
Itsy Bitsy Spider kept climbing up that drainpipe, even after the rain tried to stop him… Spiders sure are determined to get into our houses!
Perhaps these rhymes permeated our brains with ideas about spiders being scary and it just stuck?
Either way, finding a nest of spiders in your home is often more than enough to have you running straight to the phone, to call in the experts.
Bed Bugs
“Night night, sleep tight; don’t let the bedbugs bite!” – While it sounded harmless at a young age, the reality is that bed bugs are hard to live with and a nightmare to get rid of. These bugs that live in and around your bed are hard to spot in the day, but they come along in their flocks while you sleep, to feast on your blood. Bites often go unnoticed at the time, but some people have severe reactions to bed bug bites and the psychological effect can last for much longer than the bugs themselves.
A single bed bug can lay up to 500 eggs over the course of a few months, and within just a few weeks the nymphs are ready to mate. If you have noticed some strange bite marks appearing on your skin in the mornings, then it is worth getting your house checked by bed bug control services before an infestation takes over your home.
‘Hickory Dickory Dock’ and ‘Three Blind Mice’ are two nursery rhymes that implied mice were harmless creatures just going about their daily business. However, many mice can carry diseases and bacteria, and their eating and mating habits can destroy your home from the inside out.
If you are unsure of any of the tell-tale signs of having mice in your home, here’s just a few:
- Seeing droppings
- Seeing scuff marks on skirting boards, near cracks and crevices
- Finding bite marks on boxes and furniture
- Hearing scratching or scuttling noises at night
If you notice any of these signs, there is a likelihood that you may have a mice infestation.
Whether you are afraid of these pests or not, they are not infestations that you want in your home. So, if you think you require our bed bug control services before the itching gets out of hand, or need our 24-hour rodent control to eradicate your mouse problem, then please do not hesitate to contact Empire Pest Control.
We’ll do our utmost to ensure your house is safe and pest free again.
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