Gardens or agricultural land is the most charming place where farmers work hard to prepare food for the world. However, they face many issues like financing and water; farmers’ significant problems are pests and insects. Pests in agricultural land will ruin the garden plants and crops and lead to unhygienic vegetation. Here, we will discuss the most destructive pests in agricultural industry and how to get rid of them.
Destructive Pests in Agricultural Industry
Locusts are the common garden pests that lived in the world before 2000 BC, which destroyed the first crop. They can cause several health problems to the plants and lead to plant death. They will be low in number but large; these locusts are the grasshopper species. They are a threat to every plant species and one of the major problems farmers face in cultivating.
Japanese Beetles
Japanese beetles are the biggest threat to plant species; they love to feed on over 300 plant species. They suck the plant juice and eat the leaves’ tissues, which causes severe damage to the plant. They are 10mm wide and 15mm high and usually emerge during June. They only feed for a few weeks and can cause severe damage to the plants.
Mormon Crickets
There are different types of cricket species, and Mormon crickets are one of them. They got their name because they are the cause of having Mormon crops in Salt Lake. They are larger species and are about 8cm in height; they love to feed on shrubs and grasses. They also food on all the vegetation and can live up to 20 years, so try to avoid plants that attract crickets.
True Bugs
True bugs are a group of more than 80,000 species, such as cicadas, aphids, planthoppers, leafhoppers, assassin bugs, bed bugs, and shield bugs. They are also called Hemiptera, and all these species are destructive that can cause massive damage to plants and crops. They not only eat plants but also transfer diseases to plants.
Corn Rootworm
Corn Rootworms, also called Diabrotica virgifera virgifera, can be commonly found in corn-growing lands. These pests are a recent problem for farmers who love to grow corn on their land. They will feed on corn silk and leaves and make the plant unhealthy. They usually emerge during June and July every year and significantly damage the plants.
Stink Bugs
Stink bugs are one of the destructive vegetatble garden pests in garden lands that will feed on plant leaves and stem. In addition, they love to feed on vegetables and fruit juice, making them unhealthy.
How to Get Rid of Pests in Agricultural Lands?
You can do your own pest control methods, but make sure to have an experienced person with you. Because choosing chemical plays a vital role in agricultural land pest control, ensure that the chemicals you choose are not dangerous to humans and plants. Contact a professional pest control service if you do not know about pest control. The professionals will conduct a proper control treatment and help you to get rid of pests without harming the plants.