ORDER: Isopoda
FAMILY: Oniscus
This is a common species of casual intruder; occurring virtually everywhere. Will favour damp conditions, they enter buildings singularly or can be found in small groups. These are slow moving and are known to dry out and die in warm conditions.
Size, Shape and Colour: The woodlice are approximately 12-15mm in length, they have a segmented which is flattened. Light grey in colour with 7 pairs of legs, they can also roll into a ball (as shown in the image above), its believed they do this when they feel under threat.
Biology: Just one generation per year is normal in woodlice, the female carries upto 150 eggs in pouch. The young hatch and are white in colour and just 2mm in size, to reach full size can take months and they go through a number of moults in the process. Although adults have 7 pairs of legs the first two young stages display only 6 pairs.
Preferred Foods: Their preference are decaying wood, however rotting vegetation and plant matter will also provide an adequate food source.
Habitat: Througout the UK. They need a damp environment to survive. Will seek cracks and crevices for harbourage. Entry points are many for example a simple gap under a door, air vents and poorly fitted door frames. These can find their way into food warehouses via pallets as the damp wood is an attractive site.